When in Doubt: Microgreens or Sprouts?
Have you ever been told to “eat the rainbow”? Well how about a “little green” for the Saint Patrick’s Day holiday!
Cue microgreens! Or as some may say, the gold at the end of the rainbow.
How Many Germs Are Hiding Out in Your Water Bottle?
Depending on how often you clean your reusable water bottle, it can harbor over 900,000 CFUs per square centimeter. What’s a CFU? It’s a colony forming unit, meaning it’s living bacteria that’s ready to multiply under the right conditions. Here’s a point of comparison: Are you a pet owner? That’s almost 20 times as many germs found on your furry friend’s water bowl! Would you drink from that?
Spoiled vs. Unsafe Food; What’s the Difference?
Ugly may be edible but Danger is invisible.
I Survived Hurricane Maria with these 10 Pantry staples
Hurricanes like to Vacation in the Caribbean..… When you Live there, they are an Unwelcome Guest
Don't Lose Your Lunch : Food Safety Tips for Pre-Teens
Don’t Lose your Lunch! Pre-Teen Food Safety Lunch Packing Tips at Home, in School or Hybridizing
Man vs Germs
Fans is short for Fanatics, enthusiasts, ardent supporters. Want to know a secret? RDNs, the ultimate food and nutrition Fanatics eat REAL tailgate foods. I know this because…
Is Pet Love Risky?
Give your pets the same consideration as your other family members when it comes to cleaning and sanitation practices.
What’s on Your Chopping Block?
Cutting boards take a beating all year long, especially during the holiday season. Here’s How to use them safely.
Are you Living on Leftovers?
If you answered yes, Guest Blogger Caroline O’Connor’s next question is… how long will you be living to tell the tale?
...and the 3 Winners of Gahanna Jefferson Food Safety Wellness Challenge are:
...and the 3 winners of the Gahanna Jefferson Public Schools Food Safety Kits are:
Child Conservation Moms Donate to Moms2B
Ohio Child Conservation League + KeepSafe Food = Free Food safety gifts for Moms2B
CLEAN Your Produce, NOT Your Chicken! Gahanna Senior Center
What’s top of mind for Seniors & Food safety? And Lu and me in our personalized aprons that are special because of their connections.