How Many Germs Are Hiding Out in Your Water Bottle?


Depending on how often you clean your reusable water bottle, they can harbor over 900,000 CFUs per square centimeter. What’s a CFU? It’s a colony forming unit, meaning it’s living bacteria that’s ready to multiply under the right conditions. Here’s a point of comparison: Are you a pet owner? That’s almost 20 times as many germs as found on your furry friend’s water bowl! Would you drink from that?

If you’re like me, your reusable water bottle is essentially an emotional support bottle. Mine goes everywhere with me. To class, work, the gym, the grocery store, you name it, if I’m there, so is my water bottle. Now picture all the invisible bacteria transferring from car door handles, your laptop, dumbbells, shopping carts, pets, etc. onto your water bottle, and then into your mouth. There’s a word for that – YUCK!

young woman hugging a water bottle

Amber & Her Bottle Buddy

We’re mostly all guilty of not washing water bottles as regularly as we should. Hopefully. our less-than-ideal hygiene habits, haven’t gotten us sick, yet. Our bodies are smart, and work hard every day to fight off bacteria, but the longer bottles go unwashed, the greater the chance they could make you sick. The inside of water bottles are dark, damp and filled with stagnant water. They are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Think pond scum. This is why it’s important to regularly wash reusable water bottles!

What’s hiding in the dank recesses of your water bottle? Michael

According to a study for by environmental testing firm P&K, bottles with high touch points such as those with flip, squeeze or slide top lids tend to be the germiest. Those with straw lids and wide mouth screw-off lids, being the least. If you aren’t the best about keeping up with washing your water bottle, consider choosing a water bottle with a straw or screw top.

Water bottles are supposed to be our vessel to hydration, healthy skin, and fewer headaches, not foodborne illness! Here are tips to keep your water bottle clean:

  • Disassemble all parts and run them through the dishwasher. But check that they’re dishwasher safe, first! It’s a pet peeve of mine that many are not! I actually now look for this feature before I buy.

  • No dishwasher? No problem. Fill to the brim with hot water and add a few drops of dish detergent. Give them a good scrub and rinse thoroughly. For bottles with a narrow opening or straws, opt for a bottle or straw brush.

  • Let air dry, preferably overnight.

  • Aim to wash them every day or after each use.

There’s a bottle brush along with a straw brush and a brush for every bottle in this Brush Kit.

dietetic intern head shot of young woman

Amber Lee Guest Blogger & OSU Dietetic Intern recommends you watch this TikTok video.

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